Telling Your Family About Seeing a Ghost: A Haunting Experience in Itself

When I first saw the ghost, I was filled with an overwhelming mix of fear and curiosity. It was late at night, and the apparition seemed almost ethereal. My immediate reaction was one of sheer terror, but as the figure lingered, I began to feel a strange sense of calm. This ghostly encounter shook meContinue reading "Telling Your Family About Seeing a Ghost: A Haunting Experience in Itself"

Oh Danny Boy; A ghost story

All my stories are true. They are memories I have. Be it coincidence or something more. This one, I call "Of Danny Boy". These things happen when you least expect it. And I feel this is why it calls attention to itself. Such was the day in late October, seven years ago, as my closeContinue reading "Oh Danny Boy; A ghost story"

My Bronx Haunting Chapter 5

THAT SMELLS WEIRD : I have to preface this by saying my brother doesn’t completely remember this story, although it is clear in my mind as if etched in solid stone. And given the fact that his memory was never sharp to begin with, I will continue to tell the story and ask that youContinue reading "My Bronx Haunting Chapter 5"

My Bronx Haunting Chapter 4

WHAT'S WITH THE LENSES ? : Trying to recall what happened close to forty years ago is like looking through a lace curtain; you can see the basic form but some of the details are obscure. So my time frame may be questionable, and inaccurate, but what I do remember was at some point myContinue reading "My Bronx Haunting Chapter 4"

My Bronx Haunting – Chapter 3

THE WALL : I started my new school on a cloudy day in September. It was hard to fit in. We had a lot less money than the other kids so my mom resorted to sewing all my clothes which made me stand out miserably. In my old neighborhood it was commonplace. The immigrant mothersContinue reading "My Bronx Haunting – Chapter 3"

My Bronx Haunting- Chapter 2

THE DAINTY DESK : I suppose I need to go back to the beginning. When everything seemed so normal yet exciting at the same time. The first occurrence in the house.  I grew up in a borderline-ghetto neighborhood smack in the center of the Bronx in an area called Belmont, more nostalgically referred to asContinue reading "My Bronx Haunting- Chapter 2"

My Bronx Haunting – Chapter 1

THE MAN WITH THE LIGHT EYES : Imagine sleeping quietly in your small room in the middle of summer.  We couldn’t afford air-conditioning , so our windows were always open, offering the slightest relief in the form of a wayward breeze. But along with the welcomed air, heavy with the smell of the city, cameContinue reading "My Bronx Haunting – Chapter 1"